
IBMTL Events

​6th Oxford International Neuron and Brain Mechanics Workshop

25 Nov 2020

Brain modelling and characterisation is a dynamic, inter-sectional, and distinctly international field. This multidisciplinary virtual event will foster new collaborative research and the dissemination of ideas from contemporary leaders in diverse fields: from traumatic brain injury and brain mechanics to neurodegenerative disease, neuromodulation and neuronal mechanics. This workshop is organised by the IBMTL and supported by the EPSRC grant NeuroPulse, EP/N020987/1.

"Brain Computational Mechanics" mini-symposium at the joint 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 19-24 July 2020, Paris, France.

15 Oct 2019

The multiphysics of the brain has been the subject of a growing body of research in the recent years. In particular, the view that the brain is a physical entity subject to mechanical laws has allowed for the consideration of brain functions, traumas and diseases as phenomena directly related to morphology, brain and cell mechanics. The answer to many of these problems require invariably close collaborations between scientists in different disciplines including clinicians, biologists, engineers and mathematicians. Due to the complexity of experimental validations, it is also naturally dependent on numerical modelling. In silico testing is however not exempt of its own complexities: patient specific geometries, subsequent meshing, multiphysics constitutive modelling, multiscale approaches, among others, are all potential pitfalls experienced by the current research programmes. This symposium will focus on various aspects of brain computational mechanics. It will address new fundamental challenges of brain computational mechanics including both the classical point of view of biomechanics (e.g., constitutive modelling and mathematical implementations), as well as the numerical aspects of the different implementations (e.g., scheme convergence, multiphysics aspects) and aims at gathering experts of all fields.

“S10: Mechanics of biological materials & biomechanics” mini-symposium at the 17th European Mechanics of Materials Conferences (EMMC), Madrid, Spain 27-29 May 2020

15 Oct 2019

Mechanics plays a prominent role in the study of biological systems and processes. In particular, it is increasingly clear that the vast majority of physiological and pathological processes encountered in micro-heterogeneous biological materials are based on phenomena driven by different concurrent physics such as mechanics, biochemistry, electricity (or electrophysiology) and thermodynamics. Physiological and pathological processes span multiple scales in length, time and energy and, even then, one process’ scales can sit at one end or another depending on whether it is considered in isolation or along with its larger systemic interaction to generate function at a higher level. Although, to some extent, traditional applied material mechanics concepts are a priori directly applicable to describe biological materials, their inherent property to adapt to mechanical and chemical environments remains a challenging modeling task and requires dedicated multiscale and multiphysics frameworks. In modelling tissue mechanics and mechanobiology, advanced material mechanical models thus need to become multiphysics models. The main goal of this session is to attract scientists from a wide variety of disciplines interested in such multiphysics considerations in the context of biology. This symposium should be a good opportunity for the participants to refine their ideas for future work and to establish possible cooperation.

Symposium on Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation, 23-24 Sept, Oxford

30 May 2019

Focused ultrasound is rapidly becoming the next generation brain stimulation: non-invasive, focal, deep brain neuromodulation. Pioneers and leaders in the field will speak at a 2-day international symposium on 23-24 Sept, 2019, at Oriel College, Oxford. This event will bring together researchers developing and using ultrasound as a tool for stimulation and manipulation of the brain and take an integrative and translational approach.


01 Jan 2018

5th OXFORD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEURON AND BRAIN MECHANICS - Thursday 22 and Friday 23 March, 2018. St Hugh’s College, Oxford.

Dr Subra Suresh elected to an Honorary Fellowship at St Hugh’s College

28 Feb 2017

Dr Subra Suresh, president of Carnegie Mellon University, USA, elected to an Honorary Fellowship at St Hugh’s College, Oxford. Dr Suresh spoke at the 2015 Oxford Brain Mechanics Workshop held at St Hugh’s.

International Winter School 2016

14 Feb 2016

INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL - New Challenges in the Physics of the Brain: From Cells to Organs, February 2016, Ecole de Physique des Houches, France.

The Brain's Response to Trauma

12 Sep 2014

Professor Antoine Jerusalem presents "The Brain's Response to Trauma" at 2014 Annual Meeting of the New Champions.

Brain Workshop demonstrates the convergence of scientific disciplines

15 Jan 2014

Brain Workshop demonstrates the convergence of scientific disciplines